Brazil |
Brazil as the world’s largest coffee producer, supplies a third of the world’s supply. Most coffee from Brazil is of commercial grade, albeit it does produce some good specialty coffees. Coffee in Brazil is grown at altitudes of only 2,000 to 4,000 feet. Brazilian coffee can be nutty, sweet, low-acid, and develop exceptional bittersweet and chocolate roast tastes but usually uncomplicated. Great for Italian style espresso, these coffees can work well unblended. | ||
Colombia |
Colombia is the third largest coffee producing country but first in quantity of Arabicas grown. Colombian coffee has a deserved reputation of being generally good, but unspectacular. Some really excellent coffees, however, are produced in Colombia, mainly in the southwest. Colombian coffee can be very balanced, with good body, brightness (acidity) and flavour with little aftertase. | ||
Costa Rica |
Costa Rican coffee is beautifully smooth and fragrant. Prized for their high notes, bright citrus or berry-like flavours in the acidity, with distinctful nut-to-chocolate roasty flavours. Grown between 4,100 & 5,400 feet in altitude. High in quality and very well balanced. | ||
El Salvador |
El Salvador boasts some excellent coffees. Mainly Arabica Coffee growers at high altitudes in rich volcanic soil. These Salvadorans beans are fragrant, complex, lively moderately acidic and pleasantly gentle. | ||
India |
First grown around 1670, Indian coffees are becoming more represented in the world coffee market these days and offer good balance, pronounced body, medium acidity (which can vary from regoin to region) and subtle spicey notes in these mild coffees. Sometimes you find hints of earthiness. Source of good Robusta coffees. | ||
Ethiopia |
Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee where it was discovered approx 1,400 years ago. Ethiopia coffees are of exceptional quality and boasts two different styles. Two of its finest coffees are from the Sidamo region, and Harrar, although their profiles are quite different. The Harrar is dry processed and has an exotic, fruity and complex, while the Sidamo region a washed coffee process which is more delicate and displays floral, citrus tones with a rounded balance. | ||
Guatemala |
Coffees here are usually grown at altitudes of over 5000 feet. Good Guatemalan coffees are fruity and nuanced, with good acidity. | ||
Kenya |
Kenyan coffees is complex and possess deep berry notes. Much of the great Arabica coffee of Kenya is cultivated from high altitude growing regions and is complex, and has interesting berry and citrus flavours, occassionally alternating with delicated spice. Some are clean and bright, others have cherished winey flavours. Great coffee. | ||
Mexico |
Dating back to circa 1785, Mexican coffee is grown in the south bordering Guatemala. Mexican coffees are smooth and delicate with a sweet and light bite. | ||
Nicaragua |
Coffees from Nicaragua are generally grown at altitudes of 3,500 to 4,500 feet. Nicaraguan coffees are interseting with fragrant, mildly complex, with good acidity and body, often showing nut and citrus flavours. | ||
Sumatra |
Coffee growing in Sumatra was established 1720. Arabica coffees from Sumatra are grown mostly in the north and central regions. Processing methods in Sumatra vary which yields unpredictable and interesting results. These coffee beans have an earthy quality, deep body and are complex. | ||
Uganda |
Robusta coffee is indigenous to the country, and has been a part of Ugandan life for centuries. The variety of wild Robusta coffee still growing today in Uganda’s rain forests are thought to be some of the rarest examples of naturally occurring coffee trees anywhere in the world. The coffee trees are intercropped with traditional food crops and grown in the shade of banana trees and other shade trees. In these self-sustaining conditions, coffee is left to grow naturally, flowering on average twice a year and show an intense character. 93% of Uganda coffee is cultivated by small native farms. Great Robusta beans. |
Rank Country Production (1000 60 Kg Bags)
1 Brazil 54,000.00
2 Vietnam 18,525.00
3 Colombia 9,000.00
4 Indonesia 9,000.00
5 India 5,000.00
6 Mexico 4,550.00
7 Ethiopia 4,450.00
8 Guatemala 4,200.00
9 Peru 4,000.00
10 Honduras 3,500.00
11 Uganda 3,250.00
12 Côte D’ivoire 2,200.00
13 Nicaragua 1,750.00
14 El Salvador 1,600.00
15 Costa Rica 1,550.00
16 Papua New Guinea 1,100.00
17 Kenya 950.00
We have some of the finest coffee beans manufactured at our factory.